Messages file
The messages file uses MiniMessage. You can find the documentation here:
reload-success: ' <gradient:#27E3FB:#277AFB:blue>[AnotherLevelShop]</gradient> <#26C4FF>You reloaded all files with success!'
reload-failure: ' <gradient:#27E3FB:#277AFB:blue>[AnotherLevelShop]</gradient> <red>Something gone wrong on reloading all files!'
no-permission: ' <gradient:#27E3FB:#277AFB:blue>[AnotherLevelShop]</gradient> <red>You don''have permission to do this!'
- ' <gradient:#27E3FB:#277AFB:blue>[AnotherLevelShop]</gradient> <#26C4FF>Command list '
- ' <#26C4FF>/shop shop/open <shop> <#26C4FF>Open a shop'
- ' <#26C4FF>/shop editor <#26C4FF>Open shop editor to create & modify shops'
- ' <#26C4FF>/shop reload <#26C4FF>Reload all files'
- ''
- ' <#26C4FF>Buy price: <gold>%buyprice%'
- ' <#26C4FF>Sell price: <gold>%sellprice%'
- ''
buy-sell-gui-title: "<#26C4FF>Sell or buy?"
buy-item-name: '<#26C4FF>Buy'
sell-item-name: '<#26C4FF>Sell'
quantity-info-name: '<#26C4FF>Quantity %quantity%'
quantity-plus-name: '<#26C4FF>Add %quantity%'
quantity-minus-name: '<#26C4FF>Remove %quantity%'
quantity-plus-message: ' <#26C4FF>You have added <gold>%quantity% <#26C4FF>items'
quantity-minus-message-error: ' <red>You cannot set the quantity to less than 1'
quantity-minus-message: ' <#26C4FF>You have removed <gold>%quantity% <#26C4FF>items'
quantity-info-message: ' <#26C4FF>You are buying <gold>%quantity% <#26C4FF>items'
buy-message: ' <#26C4FF>You have purchased <gold>%quantity% <#26C4FF>items <#26C4FF>for <gold>%price% <#26C4FF>coins'
sell-message: ' <#26C4FF>You have sold <gold>%quantity% <#26C4FF>items <#26C4FF>for <gold>%price% <#26C4FF>coins'
sell-error-message: ' <red>You do not have enough items to sell'
shop-not-found: ' <red>Shop with name: <gold>%shop% <red>does not exist'
shop-open-usage: ' <red>Use <gold>/shop open <shop>'
not-enough-space-message: ' <red>You do not have enough space in your inventory'
not-enough-money-message: ' <red>You do not have enough coins'
not-enough-items-message: ' <red>You do not have enough items'
shop-main-editor-gui-title: '<#26C4FF>Shop Editor'
shop-main-editor-create-item-name: '<#26C4FF>Create a new shop'
- '<#26C4FF>Click to create a new shop'
- '<#26C4FF>Once clicked, you will'
- '<#26C4FF>be prompted to type the name in chat'
shop-main-editor-write-shop-name: '<#26C4FF>Type the name of the shop'
shop-main-editor-shop-created: '<#26C4FF>You have successfully created the shop <gold>%shop%</gold>'
shop-main-editor-shop-created-error: '<red>An error occurred while creating the shop <gold>%shop%</gold>'
shop-editor-gui-title: '<#26C4FF>Editing shop..'
shop-main-editor-shop-create-cancel: '<red>Shop creation canceled!'
shop-editor-add-item-name: '<#26C4FF>Add an item'
shop-main-editor-write-item: '<#26C4FF>Select the item in your main hand that you want to add to the shop, then type <yellow>item</yellow> to add it'
shop-main-editor-item-create-cancel: '<red>Item creation canceled!'
shop-main-editor-item-added: '<#26C4FF>You have successfully added the item'
shop-editor-item-gui-title: '<#26C4FF>Editing item..'
shop-editor-item-gui-buy-item: '<#26C4FF>BuyPrice: %price%</#26C4FF>'
- '<#26C4FF>Click to set the price'
shop-editor-item-gui-sell-item: '<#26C4FF>SellPrice: %price%</#26C4FF>'
- '<#26C4FF>Click to set the price'
shop-main-editor-item-buyprice-set: '<#26C4FF>You have set the purchase price to <gold>%price%</gold>'
shop-main-editor-item-sellprice-set: '<#26C4FF>You have set the selling price to <gold>%price%</gold>'
Last updated
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