Discord Integration

The Motels plugin offers Discord integration, allowing you to send notifications about various motel-related events to your Discord server using webhooks.


To set up the Discord integration, you need to configure the discord-hook section in your config.yml file. Here's a breakdown of the configuration options:

  enabled: false
    # Event configurations...

General Settings

  • enabled: Set to true to enable Discord integration, or false to disable it.

Event Configurations

For each event type, you can configure the following settings:

  webhook-url: "your_webhook_url_here"
  enabled: true
  title: "Embed Title"
  subtitle: "Embed Subtitle"
  msg: "Embed Message"
  • webhook-url: The Discord webhook URL for this specific event.

  • enabled: Set to true to enable notifications for this event, or false to disable them.

  • title: The title of the Discord embed.

  • subtitle: The subtitle or field name in the Discord embed.

  • msg: The main message content of the embed.

Available Events

1. Motel Purchase

  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  enabled: true
  title: "Motels"
  subtitle: "Motel bought"
  msg: "Player: %buyer% bought motel %region% for %price% coins"

2. Motel Sale

  enabled: true
  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  title: "Motels"
  subtitle: "Motel sold"
  msg: "Player: %seller% sold the motel %region%"

3. Motel Expiration

  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  enabled: true
  title: "Motels"
  subtitle: "Motel expired"
  msg: "Motel: %region% expired in: %date% and was owned by: %owner%"

4. Rent Extension

  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  enabled: true
  title: "Motels"
  subtitle: "Motel rent extended"
  msg: "Player: %owner% extended motel: %region% rent to %date%"

5. Expired Vault Access

  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  enabled: true
  title: "Expired Vault: %vaultnumber% | Room: %motelid% | (%action%)"
  subtitle: "Expired Vault Access"
  msg: "Player: %player% %action%ed the expired vault.\nContents:\n%contents%"

6. Vault Access

  webhook-url: "webhookurl"
  enabled: true
  title: "Vault: %vaultnumber% | Room: %motelid% | Owner: %owner% | (%action%)"
  subtitle: "Vault Access"
  msg: "Player: %player% %action%ed the vault.\nContents:\n%contents%"


Each event type supports specific placeholders that will be replaced with actual values when the notification is sent:

  • %buyer%: The name of the player buying a motel

  • %seller%: The name of the player selling a motel

  • %owner%: The name of the motel owner

  • %region%: The motel region or ID

  • %price%: The price of the motel

  • %date%: The expiration or extension date

  • %player%: The name of the player accessing a vault

  • %action%: The action performed (e.g., "Open" or "Close")

  • %motelid%: The ID of the motel

  • %vaultnumber%: The number of the vault

  • %contents%: The contents of the vault

Note on Vault Contents

When logging vault access, the plugin will format the list of items in the vault. Each item will be listed with its name (or type if no custom name) and quantity. For expired vaults, all formatting will be stripped from item names.

Remember to replace "webhookurl" with your actual Discord webhook URLs for each event you want to enable.

Last updated