Teleport System

Teleport on Enter feature

This feature open the teleport menu upon entering the Shrine.

You can edit this value on the file: config.yml

Plugins folder -> Shrines -> config.yml

If it is set to true, the teleport GUI will open when the player enters a shrine. Leave it false if you don't want this feature enabled.

open-teleport-on-enter: false # open the teleport gui when you enter in a shrine

Types of teleportation system

There are two different types of teleportation systems that you can configure in the config.yml.


The shrines are interconnected, allowing you to use them as travel points within the world. Therefore, the teleportation menu I use can automatically open when entering the shrines, instead of requiring a command. Additionally, the command "/shrines teleport" can only be accessed when you are within the Shrines region.


The default system only requires the "shrines.teleport" permission to execute the "/shrines teleport" command and can be executed anywhere you want.

teleport-type: "connected"

Teleport GUI settings

Edit the size of Telport GUI

You can edit the size of teleport gui size in config.yml

You can set only the values 9,18,27,36,45,54

# teleport gui options
teleport-gui-size: 54 # <- here you can change the size of telport GUI

Edit the icons of Telport GUI

All items can be modified using the shrine editor system, which allows for changing the display icon in the GUI through its configuration.

You can edit this parameters on shrines.yml OR EditorGUI

        icon: STONE_BRICKS #Icon of the shrine teleport GUI
        displayname: '<yellow>Shrine 1 item' #Display name of the shrine
          - '<rainbow>This is a custom lore!' #Lore of the shrine teleport GUI
        custom-model-data: 1000 #Custom model data of the shrine teleport GUI
        slots: # you can set the item for one or more slots
          - 0
          - 1
          - 2
          - 3
        icon: STONE_BRICKS #Icon of the shrine teleport GUI
        displayname: '<yellow>Shrine 1 item' #Display name of the shrine
          - '<rainbow>This is a custom lore!' #Lore of the shrine teleport GUI
        custom-model-data: 1000 #Custom model data of the shrine teleport GUI
        slots: # you can set the item for one or more slots
          - 0
          - 1
          - 2
          - 3

Edit the title of teleport GUI

You can edit the title of teleport GUI on the messages.yml file.

gui-teleport-title: '<black>Shrines Teleport'

Last updated

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