Messages File
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# AnotherLevelBattlePass messages.yml file
# Do not use Legacy colors like: &b &d and other
# Use modern colors! with Minimessage!
gui-editor-main-title: "<black>Battlepass Editor"
gui-editor-main-battlepass-name: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Battlepass: %battlepass%"
gui-editor-main-new-battlepass: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Create new Battlepass"
battlepass-editor-created: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Succesfully created battlepass: %battlepass%"
battlepass-editor-created-error: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Failed to create battlepass... check console"
gui-editor-selected-battlepass-title: "<black>Editing battlepass"
gui-editor-rewards-title: "<black>Select reward type: Premium/Free"
gui-editor-selected-battlepass-invalid-date: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Invalid date format! Use: dd-mm-yyyy"
gui-editor-free-rewards-title: "<black>Editing free rewards"
gui-editor-premium-rewards-title: "<black>Editing premium rewards"
gui-editor-selected-item-title: "<black>Editing item"
gui-editor-selected-item-commands-title: "<black>Editing commands"
gui-editor-main-set-active-battlepass: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have successfully set the active battlepass to: %battlepass%"
no-rewards-section: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>There are no rewards in this battlepass!"
no-permission: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You don't have permission to use this command!"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>BattlePass commands list:"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/battlepass help - Shows this help page"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/battlepass rewards - Opens the rewards GUI"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/battlepass info - See your statistics and progress"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>BattlePassAdmin commands list:"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/bpa help - Shows this help page"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/bpa editor - Opens the battlepass editor"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/bpa add <NickName> <Points> - Add points to a player"
- " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>/bpa reload - Reloads the plugin"
reward-already-claimed: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have already claimed this reward!"
no-premium-permission: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You need to be a premium user to claim this reward! Store: storelink"
level-not-reached: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have not reached the required level to claim this reward!"
premium-reward-claimed: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have claimed the premium reward"
premium-free-claimed: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have claimed the free reward"
admin-exp-added: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You have added %exp% to %player%"
admin-cmd-add-exp-usage: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Usage: /bpa add <NickName> <Points>"
admin-reload-error: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Failed to reload the plugin... check console"
admin-reload-finished: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Plugin reloaded!"
exp-added: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You received %exp% experience!"
level-up: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Congratulations you have reached level %level%!"
operation-cancelled: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Operation cancelled!"
free-version-limit: "<gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Free version limit reached! (You can have only one battlepass, and max 10 rewards)"
gui-editor-create-new-battlepass: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Type the name of the battle pass you want to create."
gui-editor-delete-battlepass-success: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Successfully deleted battlepass: %battlepass%"
gui-editor-action-start-date-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat start date value: [Ex. 20(days)-10(months)-2023(year)] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-end-date-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat end date value: [Ex. 20(days)-10(months)-2023(year)] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-state-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat state value: [Ex. true/false] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-max-level-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat max level value: [Ex. 20] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-exptable-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat exptable value: [Ex. 20] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-start-free-items-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat start free items value: [Ex. 20] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-start-premium-items-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat start premium items value: [Ex. 20] <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-gui-title-set-value: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write in chat the title of gui you want to set <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
get-editor-action-generic: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write the new value of %action% <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-add-reward: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write confirm to add a new reward <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-add-command: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Write the command you want to add, remember you can use %player% <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
gui-editor-action-edit-command: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>You are editing an existing command write the new command, remember you can use %player% <yellow>(Write 'cancel' if you want to cancel this action)"
placeholder_loading: "Loading.."
invalid-material: " <gradient:#FFE678:#FEDC30>Invalid material, replaced with BARRIER."
battlepass-info-admin: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>You are looking battlepass player information of %target%"
battlepass-info-title: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Battlepass information:"
battlepass-level-info: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Level: %level%"
battlepass-experience-info: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Experience: %exp%/%required_experience%"
# descriptions
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Start date of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>People can start the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>on this date."
- " <red>Actually in development"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>End date of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>People can't use battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>after this date."
- " <red>Actually in development"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>State of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>You can disable this battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>if is active, and people"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>can't use it."
- " <red>Actually in development"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Max level of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>People can't level up when "
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>they reach max level"
- " <red>Actually in development"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Exptable of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>You can define the curve of"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>experience gain."
- " <red>Actually in development"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Start free items of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the start slot of"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>free items in rewards gui."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Start premium items of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the start slot of"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>premium items in rewards gui."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Gui size of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the size of"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>gui in rewards gui."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Gui title of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the title of"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>gui in rewards gui."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Permission of the battlepass"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the permission"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of battlepass that allow player to"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>access to premium rewards."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the rewards"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the battlepass (premium and free)."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define premium rewards"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the battlepass."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define free rewards"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the battlepass."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Add new rewards to your Battlepass."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Applicable to both free and premium tiers."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Ensure to customize for each category."
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Add command to this level"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>When a player complete the level"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>these commands being executed from console."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>You can use %player% placeholder!"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Material of the reward"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the material"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the reward."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>(This configuration is about the display item)"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Customdata of the reward"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the customdata"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the reward."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>(This configuration is about the display item)"
- ""
- "<gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19><bold>Description:"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Displayname of the reward"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Here you can define the name"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>of the reward."
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>(This configuration is about the display item)"
- ""
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>(Left click) Add new lore line"
- " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>(Right click) Remove last lore line"
editing-item-action-material: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Write the value of the material (write cancel to cancel)"
editing-item-action-lore: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Write the value of the new string of lore (write cancel to cancel)"
editing-item-action-name: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Write the value of the name (write cancel to cancel)"
editing-item-action-customdata: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Write the value of the customdata (write cancel to cancel)"
lore-removed-line: " <gradient:#FFF978:#FFCB19>Lore line removed"